La cueva gay bar chicago

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Broadway.ĭrew’s on Halsted: This Lakeview restaurant has served American classics with an extensive cocktail bar since it opened in 1996. FoodĬhicago Sugar Daddy: This Lakeview sweets shop, which opened in October, offers everything from traditional cakes, brownies, truffles and cupcakes to savory options like breads. If you know an LGBTQ-owned business we should include, email reporter Jake Wittich at Credit: Jake Wittich/Block Club Chicago James Cox and Ryann Ibasco, owners of Chicago Sugar Daddy. There are dozens of LGBTQ-owned businesses across Chicago, ranging from entertainment and nightlife to food, boutiques and more.īlock Club rounded up more than 50 LGBTQ-owned businesses across Chicago’s North, South and West sides.

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CHICAGO - One way to support the LGBTQ community during Pride Month and beyond is by supporting businesses owned by people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or queer.

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